
How To Say Rent In Spanish

How to say cone in Spanish and how to say rent in Spanish. I affair that always amazes me virtually the Spanish language is that it has and then many synonyms.

A few nights ago, I went to the movies with a friend here in Medellin, Colombia. We arrived early so we decided to buy some "helado" (ice cream) while we waited.

How To Say Cone In Castilian

I asked the "cajera" (cashier) for a "cono de helado" or ice foam cone. But my friend used some other word for cone. A word that is usually used in Latin America for cone: cucurucho

That is, my friend asked the "cajera" for a "cucurucho de helado" (ice cream cone).

"Cucurucho" is Non Medellin "jerga" (slang) for the Spanish give-and-take "cono." How practice I know?

According to the online dictionary of the "Real Academia Española" (Royal Academy of Castilian), both "cucurucho" and "cono" obviously hateful cone.

If yous are not familiar with the "Real Academia Española" (RAE) information technology is the official royal institution responsible for regulating the Spanish language. Although it is based in Madrid, Spain, information technology is affiliated with 21 Spanish-speaking countries. Here's a link to their web site:

I take also heard the word "cucurucho" used to refer to a "pointed cap" or "cone-shaped hat." Both a dunce cap and the type of of pointed cap that you'd put on a child at birthday party.

  • Para el disfraz de princesa su madre le hizo un cucurucho de cartón.
  • (For a costume equally a princess, her female parent fabricated her a pointed hat made of paper-thin.)

how to say cone in Spanish

  • WARNING: Don't get the two words "cucurucho" and "cucaracha" mixed-upwardly. The former means "cone" or "pointed cap." And the latter means "cockroach."

You wouldn't desire someone in an "heladería" (ice foam shop) to call back that you were ordering a cockroach instead of an ice cream cone 🙂

How To Say Rent In Spanish

While we are on the topic of synonyms, hither's another i. The Castilian discussion that is used for rent. I am not talking most the verb "to rent." I am referring to the substantive "rent" — as in the payment that is made periodically by a tenant to a landlord for the employ of land, a edifice, an apartment, an office, or other belongings.

In New York, I used to hear my Puerto Rican friend utilize the Spanish word "renta." Merely in Republic of colombia the word that is used for rent is "arrendamiento." And we have a LSLC Spanish teacher who lives in Guatemala. And in some Spanish lessons that she wrote for us she used the word "alquiler." Past the way, all 3 words appear in RAE's online dictionary. Here' are some examples using these three words which hateful "hire."

  • Yo pagué el alquiler este mes.
  • (I paid the rent this month.)


  • Ella no pudo pagar el arrendamiento y la desalojaron.
  • (She could non pay the rent and they evicted her.)


  • El dueño dijo, "hay que pagar la renta cada mes."
  • (The landlord said, "one has to pay the rent every calendar month.")

By the mode, the Spanish verbs for "to rent" are "alquilar" and "rentar."

  • No podíamos comprar una casa, por eso rentamos un apartamento.
  • (We could not purchase a firm,then we rented an flat.)


  • Me gustaría alquilar una casa en la playa.
  • (I would like to rent a business firm on the beach.)


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